“Transcendence—the idea that there is another realm of existence, another way to be—is a deep human desire, whether that connection is with other people, the universe, or the divine.”
-Michael Pollan

Igniting Awe
the Sanctuaries of the Earth (SOTE) experience is intentionally designed to ignite awe and curiosity through a mind-blowing, artistically choreographed installation featuring colossal crystals. Through the continuum of our three cornerstones – Ignite Awe, Harness Awe, and Action to Impact – we aim to diminish the urban awe deficit and catalyze pathways for human connection, belonging, healing and transformation.
To help heal the human spirit and Mother Earth.
The Path to SOTE
In 1981, my search for the perfect graduate school luckily led me to the University of Washington in Seattle. As the plane started its descent, my heart jumped out of my chest when I spotted Mount Rainier. I was transfixed by the beauty and wonder of the massive, snow covered peak. Instantaneously, I transformed from my Midwestern roots to a spirited Pacific Northwest pioneer. This first profound encounter with awe set the stage for a lifetime of adventuring while endlessly seeking a life of meaning and purpose.
Year laters I witnesses my son Simon, then 5, transformed by awe. We arrived at the home of one of his schoolmates for a play date. Outside, peering into the living room window, Simon stood frozen. He was mesmerized by a colossal 3,000-pound quartz crystal cluster they had on display. His eyes widened in amazement as awe turned into wonder, sparking a cascade of curiosities. This experience led to a life-long appreciation for the natural world.
An Vision Takes Root
In 2017, guided by a series of serendipitous events, I found myself in the midst of an industrial warehouse filled with giant crystals. There I experienced a profound sense of awe akin to Simon’s first crystal encounter and my first sighting of Mt Rainier. I was able to share this experience with hundreds of friends and family, each time confirming a recurring pattern: awe humbles and captivates us, it quiets our insides while connecting us to the vast mysteries of the universe.
I then immersed myself into academic research on the science of awe, which substantiated what I have felt and witnessed.
This journey has layed the ground for SOTE. The SOTE experience will provide an all access pathway to awe in Seattle’s core to help alleviate the urban awe deficit.

You can read more about Andrea’s journey and the vision for SOTE in this article published at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Showcase.
The SOTE Team
Chief Stewardship Officer
Board of Directors
MaryEllen Weber, President
Erika Andersson, Creative Tech & Events
Jessica Bower Blake, Real Estate & Finance
Ethan Rainbolt, Design
Sara Super, Strategy & Operations
Genevieve Trembley, Innovation Catalyst/Cultural Entrepreneur
Scott Crawford, Partner LMN Architects
Sam Stubblefield, Fine Artist/Amazon Spheres
Jake Barton, Exhibit/Impact, Founder, Local Projects
Jon Jurich, Partner, Pacifica Law Group, LLC
Bonnie Main, Fund Development, Bonnie Main Consulting
Joy Rubin, Graphic Design
Community Leaders and Advisors
Jan Block, Chair Emeritus, SOTE Board of Directors
Lisa Bridge, Ben Bridge Jewelers, A Berkshire Hathaway Company
Sam Cho, Office of the Mayor, Strategic Initiatives
Kevin Coleman, Ron Coleman Mining
Shauna Decker, Alchemist Development
AP Diaz, Superintendent, Seattle Parks and Recreation
Leslie Dietz Kaplan, Finance & Strategy
Ray Gastil, Gastilworks Planning & Design LLC
Sara Gibbs, Crystal Facilitator & Caretaker
Dacher Keltner, UC Berkeley Greater Good Science Center
Kate Janeway, Nature Conservancy, Chair Emeritus
Steve Moore, CEO Emeritus, MJ Murdock Charitable Trust
Lea Anne Ottinger, Strategic Advisor
Rahjta Ren, Mindfulness Composer Musician
Jon Scholes, CEO, Downtown Seattle Association
Anthony Varona, Dean, Seattle University School of Law
Jan Whitsitt, Strategic Advisor
Get Involved
Help us diminish the urban awe deficit and catalyze pathways for human connection, belonging, healing and transformation.